
Please Pray For Our Beloved Japan
Our hearts break for Japan. Never in all our years have we ever imagined that this kind of apocalyptic destruction could happen again in our hearts' country. Japan has always been the safest, most disaster-prepared country we have ever known. And in one day, we saw...

Japan and the Water of Life
May the floods that they so much dread make blessings break upon their head. -John Piper On March 11, 2011, the dreaded tsunamis swept away hope and life, leaving death and ruin in its wake. The water that swept them forward was dirty and dark, and carried the...
Our dear family and friends, An opportunity has presented itself for Mike to go to Japan along with Danny Iverson (son of missionary Dan Iverson) to help out with relief efforts in some of the hardest-hit areas. We have heard first-hand reports from the missionaries...
Mike’s newest video
Gardening--Mike style. -Mike

Catan-A-Thon T-Shirt
Mike's New Catan-A-Thon T-Shirt Design It's no secret that we love the board game Settlers of Catan, and for the last several years it has taken our family gatherings by storm. So this year we decided to commemorate the addictive nature of this game by having an...

The Lie of Studliness
When I was growing up, I was told a lie—by my family, by my peers, by the society in which I lived. I was told that the true value of a man is measured in how “studly” you are. I was told that manly men were those who were so charming, handsome, and strong that they...

The Right Kind of Doubting
Doubting has a bad rep in the modern American Evangelical church. This must be due at least in part to Biblical imperatives that condemn certain kinds of doubting as sin: “Ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven...

Mike’s RTS Senior Banner
Mike's RTS Senior Banner This year, Mike was given the privilege of designing this year's RTS Senior Banner! He was asked to design a hand holding a burning heart along with the phrase, "I offer you my heart, Lord, promptly and sincerely." Here is his design: But the...
Mike’s Latest Artwork
Here are some of my newest pieces of artwork for y'all: Autographed rapper artwork. Represent. Photoshop-designed digital flames. Hot stuff. A crazy collage of manic seagulls. Hide your sandwich. A futuristic digital circuit-board. Plug in. A good-natured dig on one...
Mike’s Fishy Escapades
WARNING: This blog is a true story. Read at your own risk. As some of you might know, I (Mike) have recently taken up fishing as my new hobby, and I've really gotten into it. I'm going to blog later all about the philosophical connections between fishing and...
Mike’s latest artistic stuff
Hello again my beauties!!! Hopefully by now you're expecting some fresh new artwork, and sure enough, I have been busily doodling away in these past few months! Time is short today, so I will skip my usual introductory ramblings and get right to it! Welcome once again...
Fresh New Artwork from Mike
Whew! This has been a busy season for both of us! Not only was Jen blessed with a wonderful new job, but Mike had been super-busy with school these days. Not only have his classes been a lot of work but he (and all of his crazy counseling cohorts) have officially...
New Artwork (And Other Assorted Creative Stuff)
A few years ago, I discovered the Digiblog Theorum (Digital Camera + Free Time = Blog). Well recently I discovered a new (yet similar) theorum—the VacaDigiArt Theorum (Free Time During Vacation = New Digital Artwork). And just to prove that it works, allow me to share...
More from Jen
This is my Christmas gift for Grandmom. Shhh... don't tell! She asked me to make her a set of handmade stationery. I put together 20 cards for her & chose the theme for the stationery as being "Purple flowers" (iris, lilac, thistle, pansy). The really fun...
…And Some from Jen…
More of Mike’s Recent Artwork
Ok, so some of you must be wondering by now, "More digital artwork? Does Mike even study at all these days?" Thankfully, the answer to both of those questions is yes; I am indeed studying, but I've also had some wonderful opportunities to do a little bit (ok, a lot )...
Mike’s Recent Artwork
Howdy folks, Long time no blog, eh? This week is Reading Week at RTS --which means I have no classes this week!!! Yup, I get to stay at home and read, read read--whoohooo!!! Acually, I desperately needed this week, both for school stuff--I've got about 3 weeks of...
Old & New Testament “Wordles”
Have you ever wondered what the Bible would look like if the most common 150 words were ranked, made into different sizes, and arranged together in a huge 'word cloud'? Well, I hadn't either until my sister Lisa introduced me to If you haven't seen it yet,...
Mike’s Fall Classes At RTS
Those of you who have been following this blog for a while know that I (Mike) am an artist at heart, and that over the last several years I've been growing in both my artistic sensitivity and technical ability. (And I cite Bring It On Down To The Downtown as...
Mike & Jen’s Cameo in “CSUAAB: Save the Ugly and Annoying Animals and Bugs!”
If you've been reading our blog, you know that we're avid amateur comedic filmmakers--in other words, we love to make crazy videos and post them on YouTube. 🙂 Well, while we were visiting our family and friends in Maryland, we got an email from our fellow...