Of New Fruit & Heaven

Yesterday, I discovered a new piece of fruit at the grocery store.  It has a beautiful periwinkle, lavender smooth skin.  It has no smell.  It tastes a little like watermelon — full of little seeds.  But rather than being crisp and juicy, it’s slightly...

To Tokyo & Back

We’re back from our whirlwind trip to Tokyo!  It was a very full trip, and a lot of fun! We tried something new this time around and bought a special seasonal train pass called the “Seishun Jyuhachi Kippu.”  It gave us 5 full-day passes to travel...


July 7th in Japan is a holiday called Tanabata. Most Americans have never heard of Tanabata, and after a lot of asking around at my school, I’ve come to find out that many Japanese know very little about the true history of the tradition, why certain things are...

Easter Program

Today we had our long-awaited Easter Program, and praise God, it was a smashing success!!! Thanks to all of you who prayed for this event; everything went smoother than we ever thought possible. There were no accidents, no major spills of Easter Egg dye, nobody got...