Moving Day

It’s hard to believe we’ve been in our new home for over a week now!  It’s about time to get some pictures from our moving van-loading party up on our blog! Here’s Mike at the beginning of the day — the truck’s still pretty empty,...

Landscapes from Harvey Cedars

The first morning, Jen and I walked down to the beach at around 6am. The sun was already up, but the beach was so still and calm that it was like another world: Later that week, we noticed the huge amount of beach erosion that had (apparently) just taken place. Where...

Public Announcement from Jen

Jen is happy to announce that over the winter vacation, she didn’t gain a single pound or kilogram — Yay!!! (As a little note, I was a little nervous that with all our holiday gatherings and travellings, I would put on the pounds.  Now, all I have to do...

The Sweltering Days of Summer

So just how have we been spending our summer vacation?  Allow us to take you on a little tour of our summer break! Umi no hi (Marine Day) On Umi no hi (a National holiday in mid-July), we took off on a day-trip with the principal of one of the local elementary...

Computer problems…again

Remember when we said our computer was ok? Well, it’s not; it’s busted…again. Bad hard drive. So now we’ll be getting on the plane with a defective computer, and fighting our tech support battles with HP from overseas. What a nightmare this has...