Yes, it’s time once again to revisit the wacky and wonderful world of Engrish. Just cuz’ we haven’t blogged about it in a while, don’t mean that it’s gotten any less goofy! 🙂 We actually found this sticker on our trash can one day. We...


Recently, I rediscovered a favorite author of mine. I stumbled across her name in a magazine editorial, and it evoked memories of a powerful book I had read almost 15 years ago. The book was called “A Heart of Winter.” It was the story of the daughter of a...

Meet Some New Friends!

About 7 months ago, we bade farewell to dear family and friends and travelled 6000 miles away. Since that time, God has brought many new friends into our lives.  We wish we could have a big party and introduce all our friends to each other! However, in lieu of that,...

Baptist Youth Camp 2007

Yesterday Jen and I got back from Adatara Bible Camp, home of the 2007 Fukushima Prefecture Baptist Youth Camp. We went up on Tuesday night and left Thursday afternoon, and every moment was precious to us. The food was great, the scenery was pretty, and the weather...