At Last–Abukumado!!!

Remember when we first arrived in Japan, we got to meet the mayor of Tamura, have sea cucumber sushi on the moon with (ex-)Prime Minister Koizumi, and all that? Well around that time we also met the Chairman of the Tamura City Board of Education, and as a gift he gave...

Easter Program

Today we had our long-awaited Easter Program, and praise God, it was a smashing success!!! Thanks to all of you who prayed for this event; everything went smoother than we ever thought possible. There were no accidents, no major spills of Easter Egg dye, nobody got...


Yes, it’s time once again to revisit the wacky and wonderful world of Engrish. Just cuz’ we haven’t blogged about it in a while, don’t mean that it’s gotten any less goofy! 🙂 We actually found this sticker on our trash can one day. We...