by Mike Costanzo | Apr 19, 2009 | Friends
Ever since Facebook began to assert its unassailable hegemony over our friends’ social lives, we’ve been blogging less and posting less pictures than we used to. But, those days are over! Yes, friends, I found a way to LINK our blog to our Facebook...
by Mike Costanzo | Aug 10, 2008 | Friends, Graphic Design, School
It’s been a very full month for me (Mike), but yesterday was officially my last day of summer classes at RTS this semester!!! Whoohooo!!! I still have some schoolwork that I have to do (rather a lot, actually), but it still feels good to be “done”...
by Jen Costanzo | Jul 22, 2008 | Friends, Moving
It’s hard to believe we’ve been in our new home for over a week now! It’s about time to get some pictures from our moving van-loading party up on our blog! Here’s Mike at the beginning of the day — the truck’s still pretty empty,...
by Jen Costanzo | Jun 14, 2008 | Extended Family, Friends, Travel
We arrived back in America on April 1st. The month was full of lots of really good reunions! Family & friends welcomed us back with… … flowers & balloons …cake …and with their charming company! Some special highlights were Jen getting...
by Jen Costanzo | Apr 3, 2007 | Friends, Wakakusa
About 7 months ago, we bade farewell to dear family and friends and travelled 6000 miles away. Since that time, God has brought many new friends into our lives. We wish we could have a big party and introduce all our friends to each other! However, in lieu of that,...