We’re Mike & Jen Costanzo. Welcome to Our World.
This website is an archive of the blogs and writings of two very ordinary Christians. We’re not famous or important, and that’s ok. But if what we’ve written can be of help or encouragement to anyone, then the time and investment we’ve put into this site will have been worth it.

Streams of Water In The Hand Of The Lord
The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will. -Proverbs 21:1 The Nature of Our Hearts If I hold a drop of water in my hand, and I tilt my hand this way or that, what happens? The water moves. Did I exert any energy on the...

Every Good Thing Comes From God
What kinds of things in life do you enjoy? What brings you joy, happiness, or pleasure? What delights you, brings a smile to your face, makes you wish it would never end? I think that for most of us, delicious gourmet food or refreshing beverages rank pretty high on...
Our Journey With Naomi Grace
In 2015, Jen gave birth to a baby girl with Trisomy 18. She was with us for 44 days. This is her story—and ours.

Please pray for our baby girl!
Introducing little Naomi Grace Costanzo Our fourth precious child, Naomi Grace Costanzo, was born yesterday, April 6th.Since she was born 2 months early, she is still very small, weighing 2 lbs 3 oz and is only 14 inches long. She cannot yet breathe on her own, and...

Pictures of Naomi
Dear little Naomi Grace is in her 3rd day of life. She is stable, but tiny & fragile, and there are still many unknowns. She will be having surgery Friday to place a tube in her stomach. This will help her to receive nourishment and enable the doctors to do...

Naomi’s Surgery Postponed
Thanks for waiting, everyone! Here is the latest on Naomi and Jen: Jen came home from the hospital today! She is obviously tired, and sad to have to be apart from Naomi, but is nevertheless trusting in God's good care of our dear little daughter. Meanwhile, Naomi's...

Streams of Water In The Hand Of The Lord
The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will. -Proverbs 21:1 The Nature of Our Hearts If I hold a drop of water in my hand, and I tilt my hand this way or that, what happens? The water moves. Did I exert any energy on the...

Every Good Thing Comes From God
What kinds of things in life do you enjoy? What brings you joy, happiness, or pleasure? What delights you, brings a smile to your face, makes you wish it would never end? I think that for most of us, delicious gourmet food or refreshing beverages rank pretty high on...

The False Gospel of Self-Defense
Everyone knows that we here in America are in the midst of an all-out culture war regarding guns and their place in society. And in this skirmish, most of the pro-gun rhteoric presupposes the sanctity of a little thing called “self-defense.” This tenet of U.S....
Our Time In Japan

What is God doing in Japan?
What is God doing in Japan? God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at...

Please Pray for Japan!
Please Pray for Japan! New earthquake retraumatizes millions According to recent news updates , Japan was rocked by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake near Sendai Thursday night. While there was no tsunami this time, there was still a tsunami warning for an hour and a half,...

Saturday After a very blessed stay in Iwaki, we drove straight through my old hometown of Funehiki (I really wanted to stop, but our schedule wouldn't allow it) up to the city of Sendai, which had arguably seen the most devastating effects of the earthquake and...