Every Good Thing Comes From God

Every Good Thing Comes From God

What kinds of things in life do you enjoy? What brings you joy, happiness, or pleasure? What delights you, brings a smile to your face, makes you wish it would never end? I think that for most of us, delicious gourmet food or refreshing beverages rank pretty high on...
The False Gospel of Self-Defense

The False Gospel of Self-Defense

  Everyone knows that we here in America are in the midst of an all-out culture war regarding guns and their place in society. And in this skirmish, most of the pro-gun rhteoric presupposes the sanctity of a little thing called “self-defense.” This tenet of U.S....
Why I’m Leaving The Republican Party

Why I’m Leaving The Republican Party

For most of my adult life, I’ve been a Republican. And not just a Republican in name only (as some of my readers will surely regard me), but a faithful, registered devotee of the GOP. Not only did I vote for Republican Presidential candidates in every major election...
Is Christmas Fair?

Is Christmas Fair?

Every year, everyone asks my kids if they’ve been good this year. Why? Because, as the legend goes, if they’ve been good then they’ll get presents. Not only that, but the presents-to-goodness ratio is directly proportionate, so the more goodness, the more presents...
Please pray for our baby girl!

Please pray for our baby girl!

Introducing little Naomi Grace Costanzo Our fourth precious child, Naomi Grace Costanzo, was born yesterday, April 6th.Since she was born 2 months early, she is still very small, weighing 2 lbs 3 oz and is only 14 inches long. She cannot yet breathe on her own, and...