This only shall not pass…

by | Mar 30, 2012 | Devotion, Faith, Reflections

Tree Stump

I’m reminded tonight that of all the things I put my time and energy into, only two will remain: people and the Bible.

People last forever. Whether in Heaven or in Hell, I believe we all have a permanent, everlasting existence. Thus, my time spent with people is an investment in eternity, for better or for worse. Good to remember when I’m tempted to feel guilty about spending time with my kids, playing games with friends, or going an extra 5 minutes over time with my counselees. It’s also a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking about Jesus every chance I get–nothing else I have to say will go as far or last as long.

Likewise, I believe that my time spent studying Scripture is an investment in eternity. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” That means that of all the knowledge I’ve accumulated in my life, only my knowledge of people and the Bible will remain. That’s an important truth to keep in mind for a guy like me who loves learning things. None of my website coding knowledge, literary skill, psychological data, or artistic work will remain. But my knowledge of verses, chapters, and books in the Old and New Testaments will stay with me as I walk the streets of gold in Heaven.

What this means is that a day spent without investing in eternal things is ultimately a day that will pass away. It is time and energy spent that yields temporary gains but not everlasting rewards. Of course, most days must be spent on things that will pass away; that’s how life must be sustained and lived. But the person who is able to tuck aside some time and energy every day on things that will last forever—that is a wise person indeed.
