This post is eight days overdue, and for that we apologize, but we wanted to share some happy news as well. It is our great pleasure to announce that on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015, Naomi Grace Costanzo was baptized into the church of Jesus Christ. Pastor Roth Reason of Redeemer OPC conducted a touching and God-glorifying ceremony, baptizing her into the name of our triune God. It was a truly amazing experience, set apart and specially blessed by a unique outpouring of God’s presence and blessing.
We know that baptism cannot and will not save Naomi’s soul—only Jesus Himself can do that. But we believe that baptism is both a sign and seal of the new covenant that Christ has established, and we rejoice that this sign and seal have now been conferred upon our little daughter as well. We want to thank Redeemer OPC and Columbia Presbyterian Church for working together to make this ceremony possible. We also want to thank Gordon and Joanna Calvert for sharing this most precious of occasions with us. And very special thanks to Amanda Bennett, who took these beautiful pictures that we will cherish for years to come! To God be all the glory, both now and forever more!