handzoCostanzo is Here!!!

by | Mar 8, 2008 | Business/Professional, Graphic Design, Web Design

Those of you who aren’t on our email list have probably been wondering, “What on earth happened to Mike and Jen? Where did they go?” Well, we’re leaving Funehiki and retuning home to the States in April so that Mike can start graduate school. As you can imagine, we’ve been busy s ending boxes home, saying goodbyes to students, planning goodbye parties, applying to graduate schools–and working on developing our own new business!

Yes, we’re starting our own little creative arts and media company. It’s called handzo Costanzo , and it’s all about us using our skills and our passion for creativity to help out our friends and family with all kinds of unique projects. And one of our first (and biggest) projects was getting a website up and running that explains what we’re all about and what services we offer. We’re hoping to stay employed full-time with  handzo Costanzo projects over the summer, and then continue to do projects for people on a part-time basis in the fall and beyond.

Here’s a screenshot of our website, www.handzocostanzo.com :

handzoCostanzo home page

Check it out and let us know what you think, or if there’s anything we might be able to help you with. Like our motto says, “What can  handzo Costanzo do for you?”:-)

We’re really excited to be embarking on this new adventure; this is a dream that we’ve had for a long time. God is so good–the more we give ourselves to Him, the more He gives us the desires of our hearts! We can’t wait for this new chapter to begin!

-Mike & Jen