Mike’s Best Day

This past Friday, I (Mike) had my best day ever since coming to Japan. It was my last day of teaching at Takine Elementary School. Now pretty much every time I teach at an Elementary School, I have what I call an “Edward Bloom” day—a day where you get to...

Meet Some New Friends!

About 7 months ago, we bade farewell to dear family and friends and travelled 6000 miles away. Since that time, God has brought many new friends into our lives.  We wish we could have a big party and introduce all our friends to each other! However, in lieu of that,...

Kindergarten Graduation

This past Monday, the kindergarten where I sometimes teach English held their annual graduation ceremony.  The day found me reflecting wistfully on my own childhood.  My own Kindergarten photo is below.  Can you tell where I am? (Incidentally, I think you can click on...